Wednesday, October 12, 2005

There is no escape from the Game

Today I sallied forth into the wild Scottish weather to attend a bible study that I suspected would be full of old people. This did indeed prove to be the case. (However, the study was very nice. It was on Titus. I like the Very Short Books of the Bible. I think they should be called that. We should do away with names like "the pastoral books" and refer to them as the VSBs. But I digress.) After the study was over, I walked part of the way home with one of the older women. She was an energetic lady who probably wasn't actually that old. She asked me, quite naturally, whether I was an Anglican or United church goer at home. I replied that I attended a Mennonite church and she, much to my surprise, was delighted. And what was her next question you ask? What would a Scottish Church of Scotland attendee like herself be interested in? Guess. "So what" she inquired, "is your last name?" *gasp* Alack and for pity! Even here, far far away from the bastions of the Mennonite faith and the places of Mennonite infestation, I cannot escape the Game.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh, that is very sad. But also kind of remarkable.

October 13, 2005  
Blogger bento said...

How did she, an Anglican or United church goer, know the Game?

October 14, 2005  
Blogger miss machismo said...

I don't know. Probably she didn't think, 'Oh now I will play the Game. HaHA!.' Maybe she doesn't even know about the Game.

October 15, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You mean the Game has migrated there? I even came upon the Game half way around the world in the Shire!

October 15, 2005  

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