Friday, July 22, 2005

Toilets and other annoying modern inventions

Some inventions of modern science completely baffle me. Not because they are terribly complicated, but because they seem to have no good reason for being invented. The item that I am speaking about it the automatically flushing toilet. Yes, I suppose that they prevent people from leaving revolting bits of themselves in bathroom stalls for the unsuspecting person to find. However, they are also extremely annoying. In the way of automated things, they are either over-enthusiatic, or broken. Yesterday at work I found myself in one of these 'advanced' washrooms, equipt with taps you have to push and then frantically try to wash your hands in the trickle of water the comes out, and automatic toilets. In one stall the toilet didn't work causing a great deal of embarrassment. So, next visit - different stall. This one was very good at it's job. It flushed three times while I was still using it. This is not a nice experience. Then, while I was washing my hands in the annoying push-tap sinks, it flushed twice more for good measure. This is a colossal waste of water, not to mention embarrassing for the unfortunate person who selected that stall. Because, of course, from outside the stall, it seems as though the person inside is either very indecisive, or has severe bladder problems.
I suggest a return to the manually operated toilet. For the good of all.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bwahahahaha. For the good of all INDEED.
L(but the other one)

August 12, 2005  

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