Monday, October 17, 2005

An intolerable knowledge of Latin

I wore a sweater and scarf today,
my shadow wore a doublet and ruff.
I added some mitts to complete the ensemble;
my shadow suggested a muff.

I went to a lecture in Latin today
and while I understood not a word,
my shadow appeared quite attentive to it
and understood all that he heard.

I attended a sem'nar in medieval art
which I enjoyed quite a bit.
My shadow complained, ''Tis too arte nouveau" :
it was all he could do just to sit.

The church bells rang six as I passed them tonight
and faded away into whispers,
My Shadow recalled the hour they marked,
and recited his aves for Vespers.

His piety, learning, complaints about art -
along with his calling me dowdy,
have contributed all to a rather long day.
I hope that tomorrow is cloudy.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

oohhh look at the smart girl...she can rhyme! I'm going to go rub two sticks and hopefully get fire....

October 17, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I take full credit as the inspirator of this piece of genius, after sending you so many comic poems.

October 18, 2005  
Blogger bento said...

I, in good English student fashion, spent a good deal of time today trying to figure out who your shadow was and why he was so contrary. If you wish me not to psycho-analyse you, I would advise you writing no more fabulous poems.

October 18, 2005  
Blogger miss machismo said...

HahA! Perhaps a historical personage? Perhaps an aquaintance? Perhaps just my shadow?

October 18, 2005  
Blogger bento said...

P'raps a historical personage. P'raps not.

October 21, 2005  

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