Thursday, March 23, 2006

oh Yah! (plusplus)

Thank-you for answering my question!


Okay, right. Sorry. I forget that not everyone is as completely dependent as me on the computer for any kind of satisfactory interaction. I will try to be more patient!

Read the comments, they are interesting. (and there are lots now!)

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

No Thoughts?

No thoughts at all?

Okay, so I guess nobody thinks anything about it. (Other than Franconia Francesca Francine - thanks Fran.) Perhaps people get married for no reason? Is that the conclusion I should draw?
I was hoping that people would have interesting ideas about it.

Monday, March 20, 2006

A Question

So, I'm curious.
Why do people get married?

Do write and say why you think.

Wednesday, March 15, 2006


I don't know if this happens to you, but every now and again, I get a phrase stuck in my head. This is different than having music stuck there - that happens continuously. I currently have a phrase. It is like having the plague. Phrase plague. If my brain tells it to me one more time, I think I shall expire. Every time by brain is not occupied with something pressing and important it says, "It was nice to see you again". Argh! It isn't interesting! Nor amusing! And naturally it just repeats itself when I am trying to sleep. So in the hope that it will propitiate the phrase, I will tell it to you.

It was nice to see you again.


Some days the word "grown-up" makes me snort with derision. (Or, it would if I was a good snort-making person who did not cringe with embarrassment at the idea.) What a silly term. People are only ever grown-up in the most limited sense of the word. They should change it.

Monday, March 13, 2006

Very Nice

On Friday my old version of Microsoft Word stopped working. This was a Very Worrying event. It would open, but it took for ever. And it also took for ever to find my documents, open folders and files. Once it had finally got round to opening the particular file that I wanted, it considered its job done. Finito! I know this, because if I tried to do anything to the file (in this case, a draft chapter for my thesis) like, say, scroll down a bit, or perhaps write a few words - Bam! Blooey! Error! Error! and the whole thing shut down. The error report informed me that Word 97 was Far Too Old, and I needed Word 2003 and could have it for a mere 103 US dollars if I clicked right here. Needless to say, I do not have 103 US dollars to spend on programs that I don't really want. Soon, it became clear that all my files were Carefully and Safely inside the defunct Word for all time. My considered reaction was mild panic (which won out over wild panic by a hair).

So I sent distress e-mails to a Very Nice Friend. And she Figured Everything Out for me without panicking a bit (she even remembered to say "DON'T PANIC" to me!). And then, she found a friend of hers that I don't even know to solve various logistical problems with transferring files across the Atlantic. And he did this even though it took hours and hours (practically two whole days) and I was a stranger.

The Moral: Sometimes even strangers are Very Nice. But Very Good Friends are especially nice.

Sunday, March 05, 2006


Yet another thrilling Saturday.
Did anyone else do something fun?

Friday, March 03, 2006

A tragic Mistake

Today I had to go to the in-residence shop to purchase toilet paper. (These places seem to feel that they have an obligation to be three times as expensive as a normal shop for no obvious reason.) So, while I was buying toilet paper at an extortionist rate, I indulged my natural curiosity regarding the Food of Other Cultures and purchased a very small tin of Toast Toppers. Like the ever-present (and alarmingly vague) Sandwich Filling that I often see in the grocery store, the Toast Topper stirred my interest. So I selected Cheese and Ham. This, I assumed, could not be too bad. In this I was mistaken. Sadly mistaken.
Cheese and Ham Toast Topper, I now know, is foul. I imagine that you could produce a gourmet and delicious version of this food if you extracted the cheese powder packet from a box of Kraft Dinner and blended the powder up with some water and a tiny bit of powdered milk and a sachet of unflavoured gelatin. And then chopped some spam into the mix. This would produce the watery flavour in conjunction with the jelly-like texture that seemed to be the only real characteristic of Toast Topper. It would have to be Kraft cheese because only that could reproduce that violent orange shade of the Toast Topper. Which, upon reflection, they may have considered a flavour in itself. The spam naturally would be far an away better than whatever meat-like product they used, but I cannot think of anything like it that one could purchase legally on the open market.
In conclusion: Toast Toppers are Not Good and should Not Be Consumed by People with Taste-Buds.