Wednesday, March 15, 2006


I don't know if this happens to you, but every now and again, I get a phrase stuck in my head. This is different than having music stuck there - that happens continuously. I currently have a phrase. It is like having the plague. Phrase plague. If my brain tells it to me one more time, I think I shall expire. Every time by brain is not occupied with something pressing and important it says, "It was nice to see you again". Argh! It isn't interesting! Nor amusing! And naturally it just repeats itself when I am trying to sleep. So in the hope that it will propitiate the phrase, I will tell it to you.

It was nice to see you again.


Blogger bento said...

During the summer, I had the word "Yumlicious" stuck in my braing in exactly that fashion. It was disconcerting, to say the least, to take the most infinitesimal pause from whatever I was doing (cooking, talking to a stranger, going to the loo) and immediately be informed by my busybody brain that my current activities were not only yummy and delicious, but Both!

Sadly, though, I have never been successful in propiating any of my own repeating phrases (much as I would like people to be trapped in the linguistic hell with me)

March 16, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

nitwititis sufferers unite!

March 16, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, I'd just like to point out that the above comment has nothign to do with me

March 17, 2006  

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