Friday, April 13, 2007

Odd Doings

So, I am in La Place d'Etudier. I am trying to study. I have a fascinating book on the de Brailes Hours open in front of me. Only, I am very much distracted by the booming music filtering over here from Younger Hall where the St. Andrews fashion show is taking place. I looked it up. They are not showing local shops and designers as I thought. They are showing collections by people like Armani. Oh, and I should mention that this is the less important of the two fashion shows that St Andrews does. Next week is the Don't Walk fashion show which raises lots of money - something like 20,000 pounds - for charity. What an odd reputation this university must have.


Blogger Elizabette Langdon said...

I am filled with a somewhat sudden desire to see a fashion show where they are displaying the works of the great designers! I have never been to one, you know, and think it must be quite the event. I wish I could go!

But how very distracting pour tu!

April 14, 2007  
Blogger annika fox said...

cool! I want to go!

April 15, 2007  

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