Friday, August 12, 2005

Where does it go!?

For some unexplained reason, a couple of days ago I started thinking about where my tongue is in my mouth. Just where it regularly resides when I am not talking. Suddenly, I couldn't recall! Where did it go? Against the top of my mouth? On the bottom? Behind my top, or maybe bottom teeth? Nothing seemed right. It resulted in me being fully conscious of where my tongue was in my mouth for two whole days. As if I didn't have enough things to think about already. Thankfully, I have forgotten to think about it now. The whole event reminded me of the time when I was 11, and I started to think about how often I unconsciously swallow saliva...

Monday, August 08, 2005

Pocket Full of Posies....

I generally think of myself as a fairly modern young woman with all the usual attitudes towards science, medicine etc. However, I must acknowledge myself to be thoroughly mediaeval in my attitude towards smells. Yes, smells. In my soul of souls, I am convinced that bad smells are bringers of illness, they are contagious, they befoul the otherwise unblemished. Good smells impart life, health and wellness in mind and body. They do battle with the plague-ridden stenches of the world! Posies of flowers become a completely reasonable protection against virulent viruses and dastardly bacteria. On this issue, my rational mind seems to have no say.

Friday, August 05, 2005

Where are my Wits?

I have finally decided to go ahead and commit myself to going to Scotland this September to begin my PhD studies. However, this action has had the disconcerting effect of scaring my wits away. I am seriously perturbed by this unexpected turn of events as I expect that my wits are going to be quite necessary to me upon arrival. I hope they can be persuaded to return before my plane takes off.