Tuesday, October 17, 2006


Some sad news:

Imogen has definitely died. I tried to help. I performed an emergency transplantation, but it was not enough to prevent the Mold from carrying her off. After a suitably Catholic ceremony, she came to her final resting place in holy ground at the Church of Our Lady by the sea.

Also, Attila the Budgie has died. Mum suspects the activities of the nefarious Charlos. This notion can be supported by the well documented jealousy and mutual dislike of the parties involved. However, as the deed was carried out under cover of Working Hours, the truth of the matter may never be known. Autumn seems to be an ill fated month for our Budgies. Maud also met his untimely demise at the er, hands, of the wicked Charlos on Thanksgiving some years ago. May Attila the Hun and Empress Maud enjoy their reunion in Darkest Peru.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Poor Imogen...we shall have a parade, with colourful umbrellas, down the street...like Fat Tuesday, while listening to Rachmaninov, and eating scones, tea and chocolate. Perhaps Imogen was Sicillian and didn't like being spoken to in Italian.

October 17, 2006  
Blogger annika fox said...

Heehee. Um, my condolences. You should not write obituaries in such a humourous way. It makes me feel bad, like in that song by the barenaked ladies.

October 18, 2006  
Blogger Francesca said...

my condolences to you and your family.

Do you need some flowers?
How about someone to clean your house?
How about 15 frozen chicken casseroles?

October 21, 2006  

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