Saturday, August 05, 2006

Several things

Several Things:

1. I am an exhibitionist. My brain is full FULL of things, thoughts and wonderings. And I can't tell them to anyone. I just have to keep thinking them over and over. They don't go away, and they don't turn off. It is like eating regurgitated food: you just have to swallow the ideas until the next time they come bubbling to the surface and have to be swallowed again. And each time it is more difficult and less pleasant. I don't think I have been in the situation of having no one to talk to until now, so I didn't know until now how awful it is to have these things rattling forever around in ones head with no outlet. I knew that I could not write them on here since people might read it. So I tried to write them into a journal, but that was no help precisely because no one would ever read it. A journal will not tell you are being silly, or that things will probably work out, or that they won't but not to worry about it. I need people to respond because I can't tell if I am alright or not. So, I must be an exhibitionist. An emotional exhibitionist. I even feel somewhat better writing obliquely about all the things I can't say.

2. It is awful to be self aware. Who wants to know about all the things one does that annoys other people, that makes them wish you would leave, makes them pity you, or want you to stop talking. That makes them glad you are passing through, that you aren't their problem. Because if you know these things, you must always be hiding them. And it is tiring. You cannot just be yourself, because it isn't good company. And even really good people prefer good company.

3. I like being warm.

4. Presumably it is someones responsibility to clean the infernally filthy washrooms at the College, but they are clearly on some kind of permavacation that is causing increasing ire in the Fashion office.


Blogger bento said...

heeheee "permavacation causing increasing ire"!

But on a more serious note, please call me if you wish to express your hard-to-swallow thoughts. I love hearing what you think (good, bad, or ugly), and I think it's criminal that you beleive you must bottle it all up.

Also, you are lovely company. But I would like you even if you are bad company -- we all need people that we can be "bad company" with.

August 06, 2006  
Blogger annika fox said...

Hey! I think you could use some more self-awareness! So here are some things I think you need to know and hide away and keep inside your regurgitating brain to be supped over several consecutive times:

1)You are awesomely hylarious.

2)Your company is among the creme de la creme off companiness. (accents excluded intentionally; we don't want to be elitist here*)

*Oh wait, we do, don't we? Dang-o.

3)You are a ding-dong, at least when it comes to knowing actual stuff about yourself. So just keep in mind that all the negative things that bounce around your brain are ENTIRELY WRONG BY THE ESTIMATION OF ALL WHO KNOW YOU.

4)Okay, seriously, by this point in my life, all the things that have happened between us, silly, joyful, horrid, lovely, add up to a gigantic positive and I am so very, very grateful for you, yourself.

August 07, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sarah Dear,
You are truly unique..and wonderful, and fabutasticly terrifical (verbacy). You always make me smile and laugh, and I enjoy talking with you, spending time you, listening to you and generally having a jovial time in your company. Tell me your problems and I will tell you the 9th wonder of the world...okay maybe not...but still please call me, I'm near by, lets get Indian food...mmm samosas and other faublicious things. In the meantime, food for fodder er ponder...
1. Where does the woodchuk's wood go?

2. How do you find all those terrific clothes? I'm sure there's a shop out there called "Sarah Shops Here." I have not found it, but it must exist because all your ensembles are FABULOUS DAHLING.

3. What is the full form of pi?

4. Oh where is my hairbrush?

August 08, 2006  

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