Wednesday, October 26, 2005

The Five W's etc for God

1. Did creation only take seven days? And if it did, was it for entertainment's sake that you included dinosours and other evolutionary clues?
2. How long would it take an apple tree to produce a Red Delicious if it was left completely alone?
3. Why are people so perverse?
4. What did come first - the chicken or the egg?
5. Was there really a St. Ursula if so, how did she know that her 11,000 Virgins were virginal?
6. Who are responsible for the expressions "it's a dog's life" and "it's a dog eat dog world"?
7. Where is heaven actually? Do planes give it noise pollution?
8. How often is there a blue moon?
9. When did Gengis Khan first get the idea? Did he have a nice home life?
10. Did St Erasmus really have his intestine wound up on a distaff?
11. What did people think of Tamar and Bathsheba on Jesus' geneology?
12. Did Martha ever get her own back?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

1.yes and yes!
3.see the answer to question 1.
4.Neither: it was a horrendous chick-egg beast!
5.yes. The magical extrasensory powers honed from a lifetime of not getting any
6.I have no idea, and all I can say is: dogs are stinky.
8.Always, in Westwoods.
9.I believe it was violence in cartoons. Retroactively, of course.
10.Gosh, really? Perhaps I should have done something about that.
11.They add flavour. Everyone else was so tiresomely wholesome. Not to mention male.
12.Well, you've heard of Martha Stewart and her wildly successful multi-faceted empire...Reincarnation, my dear.

October 27, 2005  
Blogger bento said...

Not that you asked this question, but here's an answer anyways -- apparently, jellyfish fossils are evidence against evolution. Yes, it's true!

Also, I think a children's novel entitled "My mommy didn't love me -- the boyhood diaries of Genghis Khan" would be hilarious.

October 28, 2005  

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