Monday, October 24, 2005

A Grim Day and a Grimmer Gift

Today the weather was perfectly hideous. There was a head wind in all directions at once, and the rain gave up all pretence of coming down and gave itself whole heartedly to the task of blowing up and sideways. Latin was most confusing and the afternoon was spent in futile paleographical contemplation of various illegible marks and what they revealed about the intent of a long dead scribe. I devoted the latter part of the afternoon to preparing grant and fellowship applications; a tedious (and slightly degrading) task at the best of times.

However, during the walk home, the day began to redeem itself. I listened to the Goldberg Variations (which are just excellent for walking) with great enjoyment, marred only by the intrusion of traffic noises into my beautiful soundspace. The rain had stopped and the wind died down, and the night became warm and perfect for sauntering. And then I arrived home. I had received A Package! It was a Great Surprise! I was Not Expecting it! It was an entirely uncalled for gift. A Marvelously Morose gift! A Deliciously Depressing gift! A Super, Splendid, Serendipitous gift!

I am completely delighted!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

But I totally told you something was coming for you!! YOU NEVER LISTEN TO A WORD I SAY.

October 25, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

wait wait wait!! I'm overwrought with curiosity!!! I MUST know.. what is the gift?? What is this marvelously morose, deliciously depressing, super, splendid, and serendipitous gift???

Bother, I'll hardly be able to sleep tonight without knowing.. perhaps I'll try these Goldberg Variations of which you speak.

October 25, 2005  
Blogger bento said...


That makes me happy.

October 26, 2005  

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