Saturday, October 22, 2005


I hate crying. I don't understand what people mean when they say having a "good cry" can make you feel better. I hate the nose running. I hate the head-stuffed-with-cotton feeling. I hate the puffed-up-eye feeling. I hate the eye-ball burning. I hate how these things linger long after you've finished actual crying. I hate the strange fragile feeling I get when I cry, as though I might shake apart if I move too much. I hate the light-headedness, the thick-throatedness, the swollen glands, the deadened perceptions, the distant emotions, and the inertia. I can hardly feel, let alone feel better. I just HATE crying.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

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October 22, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

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October 22, 2005  

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