Sunday, April 01, 2007

The Inscrutable Workings of the Unconscious Mind

One of the characters in my dream last night said, "My dear St.John, don't find yourself a clever wife! I assure you, you will quickly find her de trop." Which was such an uncharacteristic sentiment for my brain to produce that I woke up and remembered it.


Blogger Elizabette Langdon said...

What an interesting statement. Was the dream as interesting too or just that one line?

April 02, 2007  
Blogger annika fox said...

Ahahahahahah! This has made me highly amused.

April 04, 2007  
Blogger bento said...

wow -- your brain is capable of much more interesting dreams than mine. although I suppose the language and content of one's dreams has to do with what one is studying, so I should expect dreams in Japanese and/or hilarious bad english sometime soon...

April 11, 2007  

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