Monday, November 14, 2005

Morning Rituals

This morning I engaged in the usual dialogue with my alarm clock:

Time to get up! (enthusiastically)
Is it? (very much doubting this is the case)
Yes! Yes! Get out of Bed! (with urgency)
Must I? (hoping the answer is no)
Yes! Yes! (repetitively)
Ah. Oh. Are you sure? (burying into the blankets)
Yup! Class today! (with glee)
Oh yes. Class. It's not that important. (Obviously denying the truth of the matter)
Yes it is! Otherwise you would not have set me! (a supercilious tenor has crept into the conversation)
I don't want to go! (wishing I could reach the alarm clock from my bed)
You are going to be late! (a malicious note definitely in evidence)
Fine! Good! (reluctant efforts to rise)
Late! Late! Late! Late! La- (abrupt cessation of alarm due to rude removal of battery)


Blogger bento said...

You are hilariously inventive. Like Matilda shooting rays of pure intellect out her eyes, your personality radiates around you and imbues everything you interact with with more spunk than most people. I like.

November 14, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

wow, that really rings true, I have been playing that very game for many, many years!

November 15, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think this needs to be made into a movie. About a cruel and unusual alarm clock. I bet it could win an award from the nfb people for short films.

November 16, 2005  

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