Friday, November 04, 2005

Features of the Postgrad Life

Today I reflected on the number of really great things there are about postgraduate life.

1. Marks are a thing of the past. If I don't feel like doing the homework for a class I am auditing, there are no numerical repercussions. (Unfortunately, not preparing is still a bad idea.)
2. No schedule. I get to do whatever I want to. Whenever I want to. Get up at 12. Work 'till 11. Take three hours for lunch. Whatever!
3. No idiot classmates. Such a relief.
4. Fellow geeks as peers. Generally speaking, the 'cool kids' have been weeded out leaving the socially challenged and off-puttingly intelligent. Suddenly, there is no need to impress people with a suave manner and chic appearance.
5. The library signs books out to me for a year. A Year.
6. A super interesting subject pick by me.
7. Access to new materials. As a postgraduate I can go to the library, ask for a 13th century codex, and actually have them fetch it out. They (fools!) hand it right to me. "Here it is, feel free to use it". ! .


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sounds like a mahvelous life dahling...mahvelous

November 05, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I wanna do that! Oh wait. I have all those things, except for the handling of 13 century codices, which I don't particularly hanker after anyway.

November 06, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hah. Not all postgrad life is like that... you should count yourself lucky. :)

Also, you deserve it, in my opinion. Now is the time to let your genius mind run wild!

November 10, 2005  

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